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Allison Mickel Awarded "Best Book on Archaeology" by BAS

Best Book award recipient, Allison Mickel, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Lehigh University

The Biblical Archaeology Society recently awarded Dr Allison Mickel, Associate Professor of Anthropology, the "Best Book in Archaeology" for "Why Those who Shovel are Silent."

A letter to Dr Mickel from the Editor-in-Chief Glenn G. Corbett said:

On behalf of Biblical Archaeology Review magazine and the Biblical Archaeology Society (BAS), I am pleased to inform you that your Why Those Who Shovel Are Silent: A History of Local Archaeological Knowledge and Labor has been selected by our judges to receive a 2023 BAS Publication Award in the category “Best Book on Archaeology.”

This prestigious award, for the best books of 2021–2022 in archaeology and biblical studies, carries with it a prize of $500 and an award certificate. 

Congratulations on this recognition of your research and book!