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Dr. Danielle Lindemann portrait

Danielle Lindemann


0031 - Williams Hall

PhD in Sociology, Columbia University, 2010

Explore this Profile

Research Areas

Additional Interests

  • Gender
  • Sexuality
  • Culture
  • Deviance
  • Work

Research Statement

Professor Lindemann’s research focuses on gender, sexuality, and culture-- specifically as they relate to occupations. In particular, she analyzes non-normative ("deviant") behavior and the light that it can shed on broader social forces. Professor Lindemann's work has been published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Marriage and FamilySocial Science & MedicinePoeticsWork and OccupationsAmerican Behavioral ScientistSex RolesLabor Studies JournalSociological PerspectivesSociological ForumSexualitiesand Men and Masculinities, among others. Professor Lindemann is also the author of three books: Dominatrix: Gender, Eroticism, and Control in the Dungeon (University of Chicago Press, 2012), Commuter Spouses: New Families in a Changing World (Cornell University Press, 2019), and True Story: What Reality TV Says about Us (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2022). 

Professor Lindemann’s research has been featured in media outlets such as The New York Times, the Wall Street JournalThe EconomistThe Atlantic, The Washington Post, U.S. News & World Report, CNN, Jezebel, and Rolling Stone.  She has been interviewed about her work on television and radio, and has written opinion pieces for CNN, NewsweekSalonFortune, and Quartz.


Danielle Lindemann is an Associate Professor of Sociology and a core faculty member in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies. She received her BA in English from Princeton University (2002) and her PhD from Columbia University (2010). Professor Lindemann lives in Princeton, NJ with her husband, two daughters, three goldfish, and four hermit crabs. In her downtime, she’s a fan of crossword puzzles and really, really terrible reality television.



Books authored

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2022. True Story: What Reality TV Says about Us. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2019. Commuter Spouses: New Families in a Changing World. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2012. Dominatrix: Gender, Eroticism and Control in the Dungeon. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago.

Book chapters

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2018. “The Dominatrix,” in Feona Attwood, Brian McNair, and Clarissa Smith, Eds. Routledge Companion to Media, Sex and Sexuality. New York: Routledge: 405-415.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2011. “‘Is That Any Way to Treat a Lady?’: The Dominatrix’s Dungeon,” in Christina Bobel and Samantha S. Kwan, Eds. Embodied Resistance: Challenging the Norms, Breaking the Rules. Nashville: Vanderbilt: 26-36.

Articles in refereed journals (* = undergraduate co-authors)

Lindemann, Danielle J., Anna Doggett*, and Sharon Getsis*. 2021. “Hunting in a Hostile Climate?: Hegemonic Masculinity and Emphasized Femininity on a Hunting Message Board.” Men and Masculinities. 25(4): 602-621.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2020. “What’s Your Reality? Evaluating Sources and Addressing ‘Fake News.’” Sociological Forum. 35(3): 822-829 (invited essay).

Lindemann, Danielle J., and Terri Boyer. 2019. “Desperate Fortunes: Latina Warehouse Workers in the ‘Matrix of Domination.’” Labor Studies Journal. 4(2): 161-183.

Fellenzer, Jena L., Kenneth D. Rosenberg, Danielle J. Lindemann, Linda Houser, Alfredo P. Sandoval, and Kathryn L. Broderick. 2018. "Who Gets Fully-Paid Maternity Leave? Population-Based Survey of Postpartum Women, Oregon, 2010.” Frontiers in Women’s Health. 3(2): 1-7.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2017. “‘Doing and Undoing Gender in Commuter Marriages.” Sex Roles. 79(1-2): 36-49.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2017. “Commuter Spouses and the Changing American Family.” Contexts. 16(4): 26-31.

Lindemann, Danielle J., Steven J. Tepper, and Heather L. Talley. 2017. “‘I Don’t Take My Tuba to Work at Microsoft’: Arts Graduates and the Portability of Creative Identity.” American Behavioral Scientist. 61(12): 1555-1578.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2017. “Going the Distance: Individualism and Interdependence in the Commuter Marriage.” Journal of Marriage and Family 79(5): 1419-1434.

Lindemann, Danielle J., Britton, Dana, and Elaine Zundl. 2016. “‘I Don’t Know Why They Make It So Hard Here’: Institutional Factors and Undergraduate

Women’s STEM Participation.” International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology 8(2):

Lindemann, Danielle J., Rush, Carly A., and Steven J. Tepper (equal first authorship with Carly Rush). 2016. “An Asymmetrical Portrait: Exploring Gendered Income Inequality in the Arts” Social Currents 3(4): 332-348.

Lindemann, Danielle J., Houser, Linda, and Karen White. 2015. “Sick of Inequality: Gender and Support for Paid Sick Days.” Women’s Health Issues 25: 283-288.

Lena, Jennifer and Danielle J. Lindemann (equal first authorship). 2014. “Who Is an Artist?: New Data for an Old Question.” Poetics 43: 70-85.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2013. “Health Discourse and Within-Group Stigma in Professional BDSM.” Social Science & Medicine 99: 169-175.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2013. “What Happens to Artistic Aspirants Who Do Not ‘Succeed’? A Research Note from the Strategic National Arts Alumni Project.” Work and Occupations 40(4): 465-480.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2011. “BDSM as Therapy?” Sexualities 14(2): 151-172.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2010. “Will the Real Dominatrix Please Stand up: Artistic Purity and Professionalism in the S&M Dungeon.” Sociological Forum 25(3): 588- 606.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2009. “From Fire and Brimstone to Property Values: The Changing Moral Content of Arguments against Pornographic Industries, Atlanta, 1969-1997.” Sociological Perspectives 52(1): 81-101.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2006. “Pathology Full Circle: A History of Anti-Vibrator Legislation in the U.S.” Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 15(1): 326-346.

Published reports (non-refereed)

Lindemann, Danielle and Dana Britton. 2015. Controlled Chaos: Focus Groups with Women Warehouse Workers in New Jersey. New Brunswick, NJ: New Labor and Center for Women and Work:

Lindemann, Danielle and Dana Britton. 2015. Earned Sick Days in Jersey City: A Study of Employers and Employees at Year One. New Brunswick, NJ: Center for Women and Work.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2015. Gender and Numeracy Skill Use: Cross-National Revelations from PIAAC. Commissioned paper, Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies.

White, Karen, Linda Houser, and Danielle Lindemann. 2013. It’s Catching: Public Opinion Toward Paid Sick Days in New Jersey. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations.

Lindemann, Danielle J., Steven J. Tepper et al. 2012. Painting with Broader Strokes: Reassessing the Value of an Arts Education (SNAAP Special Report No. 1). Bloomington, IN: Indiana University and Vanderbilt University, Strategic National Arts Alumni Project.

Edited publications and other articles (non-refereed)

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2022. “Reality TV Is Getting Boring Again—And Maybe That’s a Good Thing.” Literary Hub. Feb 10. boring-again-and-maybe-thats-a-good-thing/

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2020. “We Are Far from Stoneybrook Now: On the Quiet Revolution of ‘The Baby-Sitters Club’.” Salon. July 11. quiet-revolution-of-the-baby-sitters-club/

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2020. “Work-Life Balance Is a Lie – and Coronavirus Is Exposing It.” Quartz. March 26.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2020. “The Popularity of ‘Love Is Blind’ Reveals What We’re Missing in Our Lives.” CNN. March 12. lindemann/index.html

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2017. “Opinion: How Trump Leveraged The Apprentice into a White House Win.” Newsweek. July 22.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2017. “The UK’s Gender Pay Gap Reporting Law Doesn’t Go Far Enough.” Fortune. April 18.

Lindemann, Danielle J. 2015. “Sex Laws,” in Patricia Whelehan and Anne Bolin, Eds. The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality. Wiley.

Tepper, Steven J. and Danielle Lindemann. 2014. “Perspectives: For the Money? For the Love? Reconsidering the ‘Worth’ of a College Major.” Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning. 46(2): 20-23.

Lindemann, Danielle and Jon Whiten. 2013 (Dec.). “Opinion: Momentum is Growing in N.J. to Require Paid Sick Time.”​​​​​​​

Reviews and notes

Lindemann, Danielle. Review of Consensual Violence: Sex, Sports, and the Politics of Injury, by Jill Weinberg. Contemporary Sociology. 21 December 2017, 117-119.

Selected media coverage

(For a complete list:

Selected interviews about True Story:

Biakolo, Kovie. 2021. “Can Reality Shows Help Lead the Way for Inclusivity?” BBC. 15 January.

Altmann, Jennifer. 2020. “Married, but Living Far Apart,” The New York Times. 16 May.

Wieckowski, Ania G. 2020. “Living Apart for Work.” Harvard Business Review. September.

Kerr, Breena. 2019. “How MTV’s Are You the One? Is Changing Dating Shows.” Rolling Stone. 30 August.

Pinsker, Joe. 2019. “The New Long-Distance Relationship.” The Atlantic. 14 May.

Shellenbarger, Sue. 2018. “The Long-Distance Marriage That’s Built to Last.” The Wall Street Journal. 14 August.

Schwarz, Hunter. 2018. “How Reality TV Took Over Politics.” 12 July.

Andrews, Travis. 2018. “Like Pretty Much Every Industry, Music Has a Huge Gender Wage Gap. Just Ask Haim.” The Washington Post. 13 June.

Braun, Aryn. 2017. “The Rise of Long-Distance Marriage.” The Economist. 19 December.

Miller, Anna Medaris. 2017. “Are Commuter Marriages Healthy?U.S. News and World Report. 15 June.

National Public Radio. 2016. “The Gender Wage Gap in the Arts.” Morning Edition. 7 December.


Classes taught at Lehigh have included:

  • SOC001: Introduction to Sociology 
  • SOC090: Sociology of The Office (first-year seminar)
  • SOC 090/138: Sociology of Reality TV 
  • SOAN112: Development of Social Theory 
  • SOAN/WGSS 127: Human Sexuality 
  • SOC 141: Social Deviance and Social Control 
  • SOC/WGSS 364: Sociology of the Family (Writing Intensive class) 
  • SOC/WGSS 396/496: “Bad Girls”: Gender, Sexuality, Deviance 
  • SOC 401: Classical Social Theory (graduate seminar) 
  • SOC409: Proseminar in Sociology (graduate seminar) 
  • SOC412: Advanced Qualitative Research Methods (graduate seminar)