Building on my interests in social stratification and gender issues, my research has focused on educational stratification, and gender inequality in labor market. My research in educational stratification has focused on the crucial roles of parents and teachers in children’s schooling in the context of rural poverty, as well as the consequences of educational inequality as manifested in later life chances and quality of life from a life course perspective. My work in labor market has emphasized the role of work-family conflict for gender diversity in labor outcomes, as gender inequality exists in both productive and reproductive processes. My work highlighted that female disadvantage in employment and earnings exists only among wives and mothers, and the market transition brought harm to women’s position in the workplace.

Yuping Zhang
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2007
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Research Areas
Additional Interests
- Sociology of Education
- Asian Studies
- Gender Inequality in Labor Market
- Gender and Globalization
Research Statement
Yuping Zhang received her PhD in sociology from University of Pennsylvania in 2007, and started working at Lehigh University upon graduation till present.
Book Chapter
Zhang, Yuping and Peggy Kong. 2020. “Engendering a Love for Learning: Family and School Contexts and Children’s Educational Engagement in Rural Gansu, China.” In Kong, Peggy, Emily Hannum and Gerard A. Postiglione (eds.) Rural Education in China’s Social Transition. Routledge.
Zhang, Yuping and Emily Hannum. 2013. “Marriage, Parenthood and Labor Outcomes for Women and Men in Contemporary China.” Pp.223-248 In Besharove, Douglas and Karen Baehler (eds.) Chinese Social Policy in a Time of Transition. Oxford University Press.
Zhang, Yuping. 2011. “Importance of Home Environment on Children’s Schooling: From Teachers’ Perspective.” Pp.237-265 in Wiseman, Alexander and Tiedan Huang (eds.) The Impact and Transformation of Educational Policy in China, International Perspective on Education and Society Series Vol. 15. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Kong, Peggy and Yuping Zhang. 2018. “Examining Rural Maternal Gender Attitudes over Time: Will She Belongs to another Family, Anyway?” Australian and International Journal of Rural Education 28 (2): Rural Education in China.
Zhang, Yuping. 2016. “The Hopes Carry Them On: Early Educational Expectations and Later Educational Outcomes in Rural Gansu, China.” In Family Environment, School Resources, and Educational Outcomes Research in Sociology of Education 19:149-185.
Zhang, Yuping and Emily Hannum. 2015.“Diverging Fortunes: The Evolution of Gender Wage Gaps for Singles, Couples, and Parents in China: 1989-2009”. Chinese Journal of Sociology (English) 1 (1) Inauguration issue
Zhang, Yuping. 2014. “Educational Expectations, School Experiences, and Academic Achievements: A Longitudinal Examination.” China: An International Journal 12(1).
Hannum, Emily, Yuping Zhang and Meiyan Wang. 2013. "Why are Returns to Education Higher for Women than for Men in Urban China?" China Quarterly 215: pp.616-640.
Sargent, Tanja, Peggy Kong and Yuping Zhang. 2013. “Home Environment and Educational Transitions on the Path to College in Rural Northwest China.” International Journal of Educational Development 34: 98-109
Hannum, Emily and Yuping Zhang. 2012. “Poverty and Proximate Barriers to Learning: Vision Deficiencies, Vision Correction and Educational Outcomes in Rural Northwest China.” World Development 40(9): 1921-1931
Hannum, Emily, Peggy Kong and Yuping Zhang. 2009. “Family Sources of Educational Gender Inequality in Rural China: A Critical Assessment.” International Journal of Educational Development 29 (5): 474-486.
Zhang, Yuping, Emily Hannum and Meiyan Wang. 2008. “Gender-Based Employment and Wage Differences in China: Considering the Contribution of Marriage and Parenthood.” Social Forces 86(4):1529-1560.
Zhang, Yuping, Grace Kao and Emily Hannum. 2007. “Do Mothers in Rural China practice Gender Equality in Educational Aspirations for their Children?” Comparative Education Review 51(2): 131-158.
Book in Chinese
Zhang, Yuping. 1989. Guide to English Writing Test: Preparation for TOEFL and Graduate School Admission Test. Tianjin Science and Technology Press. Tianjin, China.
Articles in Refereed Journals in China
Zhang,Yuping. 1995. “Motherhood in The Joy Luck Club.” in Women and Literature: The First International Symposium on Women and Literature, Peking University Press. Beijing, China.
Zhang, Yuping. 1991. “The Image of Women in English Idiomatic Language Use.” Women’s Studies Journal, Vol. 3 pp.257-279. Beijing, China. (in Chinese)
Work in Progress:
Zhang, Yuping and Peggy Kong. “How Rural Youth Perceive Love, Marriage and Family”
Zhang, Yuping and Peggy Kong. “The Gender Attitudes of Rural Youth: Intergenerational transmission.”
Zhang, Yuping. “Returns to Education Broadly Defined: Education and Life Satisfaction.”
Zhang, Yuping. “Gender attitude changes: over time in East Asian Countries.”
Zhang, Yuping. “Marriage or Career: Dilemma Faced by Educated Women in China, Japan and South Korea.”
Zhang, Yuping. “Returns to Education: comparison among East Asian Countries”
Liu, Bohong (ed.) Yuping Zhang in collaboration with colleagues. 1998. Our Bodies, Ourselves. Peking Press. Beijng.
Yuan, Fangyuan and Yuping Zhang. 1995. Selected Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Hebei: Hua Shan Arts Press.
Zhang, Yuipng. 1993. “Gender Difference in Mortality.” “Gender and Health.” “Class, Paid Employment and Family Roles.” in Women and Development: Status, Health and Employment. Tianjin: Tianjin Press.
2012 Lehigh University Faculty Research Grants
2011 Lehigh University Faculty Research Grants
2010 Lehigh University Pre-tenure Research Fellowship
2008 Lehigh University Faculty Research Grants
2005-2006 University of Pennsylvania: Judith Rodin Fellowship
2004-2005 University of Pennsylvania, Sociology Department: Otto and Gertrude K. Pollak Summer Research Fellowship
2001-2005 University of Pennsylvania: William Penn Fellowship
1999-2001 Boston College: Teaching Assistantship and Teaching Fellowship
1998-1999 Fulbright Foundation: Scholar-in-Residence at Bridgewater State College, Massachusetts
1997 British Council: Exchange Scholar at University of Sussex, England.
Zhang, Yuping (presenter) and Peggy Kong. "Life Experience, Gender Attitude, and Family Formation: Rural Youth in Gansu, China." Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference. Dickson College, Carlisle PA. October 2019.
Zhang, Yuping. "Gendered Returns to Education." The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia: A seminar for teachers. Lehigh University. October 2019.
Zhang, Yuping (presenter) and Peggy Kong. “The Gender Attitudes of Youth: Intergenerational transmission.” Comparative International Education Society Annual Conference. San Francisco. April 2019.
Zhang, Yuping (presenter) and Peggy Kong. “Engendering A Love of Learning.” Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies Conference. Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA. November 2018.
Zhang, Yuping (presenter) and Peggy Kong. “How Rural Youth Perceive Love, Marriage and Family.” International Chinese Sociological Association Annual Conference. Princeton University. August, 2018.
Zhang, Yuping (presenter) and Peggy Kong. “Gender Attitudes of Youth: The Gender and Education Differences.” Gansu Conference on Education (Virtual panel), Lanzhou, China. July 2018.
Zhang, Yuping (presenter) and Peggy Kong. “Nurturing Youth’s Educational Engagement through their School and Home Experiences” WGSS Faculty forum, Lehigh University. April 2017.
Zhang, Yuping. “Gendered Returns to Education in Urban China.” Invited talk at Comparative and International Education program, Lehigh University. April 2017.
Zhang, Yuping (presenter) and Peggy Kong. “Nurturing Educational Engagement: Family and School Influence on Educational Engagement in Rural China,” China Education Workshop. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, Nov. 2016.
Zhang, Yuping . “The Hopes Carry Them On: Early Educational Expectations and Later Educational Outcomes in Rural Gansu, China,” Department of Sociology and Anthropology research colloquium. Lehigh, September 2016.
Zhang, Yuping (presenter) and Emily Hannum. “Diverging Fortunes: The Evolution of Gender Wage Gaps for Singles, Couples, and Parents in Urban China, 1989-2009,” University of Duisburg-Essen, Department of Sociology Research Colloquium. Duisburg, Germany, July 2016 (invited talk).
Hannum, Emily (presenter), Li-Chung Hu, Yuping Zhang and Meiyan Wang. “Socioeconomic Status and the Work Strategies of Women.” Shanghai University Gender Conference. Shanghai China, July 2016.
Zhang, Yuping (presenter) and Emily Hannum, Gender Disparity in China Labor Market and Family Status, Teaching International Speaker Series, Penn State University Lehigh Valley Campus, January 2016 (Invited Talk).
Zhang, Yuping. “Poverty and Educational Attainment: the Moderate Effects of Early Expectations.” The Annual Conference of Eastern Sociological Society. New York, February 2015.
Kong, Peggy and Yuping Zhang (presenter). “Parents’ Gender Attitudes and Children’s School Attainment.” The Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society. Washington DC, March 2015.
Zhang, Yuping and Emily Hannum. “Diverging Fortunes: The Evolution of Gender Wage Gaps for Singles, Couples, and Parents in Urban China, 1989-2009.” The Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. San Diego, March 2013.
Zhang, Yuping and Peggy Kong. “The Influence of Parents and Teachers on Children’s Engagement in Rural China.” The Annual Conference of Comparative International Education Society. New Orleans, March 2013.
Kong, Peggy (presenter) and Yuping Zhang. “Examining Rural Family Gender Attitudes: “Will She Belong to Another Family Anyway?” The Annual Conference of Comparative International Education Society. New Orleans, March 2013.
Zhang, Yuping and Emily Hannum. “Diverging Fortunes: The Evolution of Gender Wage Gaps for Singles, Couples, and Parents in Urban China, 1989-2009.” Lehigh University WGSS Faculty Research Forum. September 2012.
Zhang, Yuping. “The Hopes Carry them on: Educational Expectations and Education Outcomes in Gansu, China.” The Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association. Denver, August 2012.
Sargent, Tanja, Peggy Kong and Yuping Zhang. “Home Environment and Educational Transitions on the Path to College in Rural Northwest China.” The Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association. Denver, August 2012.
Zhang, Yuping. “The Hopes Carry them on: Educational Expectations and Education Outcomes in Gansu, China.” North American Chinese Sociologist Association. Denver, August 2012.
Zhang, Yuping. “Education and Marriage: Gender Differences in the Meaning of Being Well-Educated.” The Annual Conference of Eastern Sociological Society. New York, March, 2012.
Zhang, Yuping. “Early Educational Expectations and Later Educational Outcomes in Gansu, China.” Invited presentation at Education and Inequality Research Forum, Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, March, 2012.
Zhang, Yuping and Peggy Kong. “The Gender Gap and Education Development in Rural China.” Lehigh UN Commission on the Status of Women. February, 2012.
Zhang, Yuping. “Changing Society and Changing Images of Women.” Lehigh University WGSS Faculty Research Forum. 2011.
Hannum, Emily (presenter) and Yuping Zhang. “Returns to Education and Skills in Urban China: Do Returns Higher for Women than for Men?” The Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association. Las Vegas, August 2011.
Sargent, Tanja (presenter), Peggy Kong and Yuping Zhang. “Home Environment and the Taking of the College Entrance Examination in Rural Northwest China.” The Annual Conference of Comparative International Education Society. Montreal, May 2011.
Zhang, Yuping. “Changing Images of Women: Analyzing 60 Years China Pictorial Cover Page Images.” The Annual Conference of Association for Asian Studies. Hawaii, April 2011.
Zhang, Yuping. “Sameness or Equality: Gender Discourse through Images of Women.” The Annual Conference of Mid-Atlantic Region Asian Studies Society. Collage Park, October 2010.
Zhang, Yuping. “Mothers’ and Children’s Educational Expectations and School Enrollment: Discrepancy and Changes” The Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association. August 2010, Atlanta
Zhang, Yuping. “Educational Expectations, School Experience and Academic Achievement.” The Annual Conference of the Comparative International Educational Society. Chicago March 2010,
.Zhang, Yuping. “Changing Society and Changing Images of Women.” The Annual Conference of Mid-Atlantic Region Asian Studies Society. Philadelphia, October, 2009.
Zhang, Yuping. “Gender Differences in Employment and Income in Urban China.” Lehigh University WGSS Faculty Research Forum. September 2009.
Zhang, Yuping. “The Retrospective Relations between Teachers’ Expectations and Children’s School Achievement.” The Comparative International Education Society Northeast Regional Conference. Bethlehem, PA, October, 2009.
Zhang, Yuping. “Children in Mothers’ Eyes: Evaluation, Expectation and Investment.” The Annual Conference of the Comparative International Educational Society, March 2009, Charleston, North Carolina.
Zhang, Yuping. “The Importance of Children’s Home Cultural Environment: From Teacher’s Perspective.” The Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association, July 2008, Boston.
Emily Hannum and Yuping Zhang. “Returns to Education and Skills for Men and Women in Urban China.” Invited presentation at the Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association, July 2008, Boston.
Zhang, Yuping. “A Rapidly Changing Society: China’s Achievements and Challenges in Reform Era.” Invited presentation at the East Asian Workshop for High School Teachers, Organized by the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, April, 2008.
Zhang, Yuping. “Impact of Family Background on Teacher-Student Relationship.” the Annual Conference of the Comparative International Education Society, March 2008, New York.
Zhang, Yuping. “Interpreting Children’s School Experience: Teachers, Children and Mothers in Rural Gansu, China.” Presented at the 2006 Annual Conference of the Comparative International Education Society, March, Honolulu.
Zhang, Yuping, Emily Hannum, and Meiyan Wang. “Gender-Based Employment and Wage Differences in China: Considering the Contribution of Marriage and Parenthood.” Presented at the 2005 Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association, August, Philadelphia.
Zhang, Yuping. “The Failure of Political Rituals in China’s Cultural Revolution.” Presented at the 2005 Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association, August, Philadelphia.
Zhang, Yuping. “Teacher-Student Relationship and School Achievements in Rural Gansu, China.” Presented at the 2005 Annual Conference of the Comparative International Education Society, March, San Francisco.
Zhang, Yuping, Grace Kao and Emily Hannum. “Mothers’ Educational Expectations for Sons and Daughters in Rural China” Presented at the 2004 Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association, August, San Francisco.
Zhang, Yuping. Series of talks given to Workshops for Teachers, organized by World Affaires Council of Philadelphia from 2001 to 2008 on “Changing Images of Women” “Economic Reform and Women’s Status in Contemporary China” “China’s Educational System: Comparing East and West”
Series of talks while serving as Fulbright Scholar on “Women and Media in China Since 1949” “Economic Reforms and Women’s Status” “Rural Women’s Voices: Life Stories of Women in Northern China” at Bridgewater State College, Bristol Community College, St. Michael’s College, University of Vermont, Suffolk University, Massasoit Community College, Cape Cod Community College, and University of Oregon. Also presentations for Primary Source and New England China Network, Five College Center for Asian Studies at Smith College at Rhode Island College, and AAUW Bridgewater Branch.
Introduction to Survey Research
Research Methods and Data Analysis
Social Issues in Contemporary China
Gender and Social Changes in East Asian Countries
Gendered Experience of Globalization